Long Dragon Provides Liquidity
Aligning with protocols to achieve their liquidity needs is of the utmost importance. The fact that many excellent projects must constantly compete for liquidity in a rapidly changing market has a free-market survivors bias to it, however, survival bias is not always representative of what is best for nature and is often not equitable in any reasonable capacity. Survival bias would state that someone with a one-billion-dollar war chest can out market, outspend, and outlast someone with ten thousand dollars. While this is true, does that mean that the billion-dollar war chest participant was better than the one with ten thousand? Or did they just have a substantial advantage due to circumstance? These are questions that need to be answered. Long Dragon Protocol is of the opinion that great projects deserve support. Whether you are great at one billion or great at ten thousand, GREAT is GREAT. Do not despise the day of small beginnings.
Liquidity isn’t only money. Money can get you in almost any room, but character is what keeps you there. Liquidity is money, liquidity is time, liquidity is public support of initiatives set forth by Founders and Protocols, liquidity is influence, liquidity is ongoing support.
LD will provide liquidity to Protocols in need through active management of liquidity pools on DEX. This is achieved through a blend of professional account managers and DEX bots specific to pool management. Time:
LD will take the time to understand your Protocol needs and work directly with Founders, Teams and Foundations to achieve the desired result. These conversations will always happen with core LD team members and connected persons pertinent to the protocols needs.
Public Support:
Through understanding the core objectives of the Protocols we find alignment with, LD will publicly assist in explaining initiatives, using our design resources and video tools to create helpful content, and truly help brilliant Founders get their message across to their communities in a way that helps move the needle to the desired result. Our Microphone can be utilized to explain complex things in a way that your audience will find relatable and easy to understand.
LD has deep connections in Web3 with multiple CEXs, many KOLs, Auditors, Developers, Communities, Market Makers, VCs, YouTubers, TikTokers and more. LD can help facilitate conversations for Protocols as necessary inside of the LD Network.
Ongoing Support:
LD aims to be a long-term supporting character in your Protocol for the lifespan of the Protocol. We choose to go far together.
Long Dragon Protocol is not here to throw stones, rather in contrast, we are here to help move mountains.
Last updated