What is Long Dragon Protocol?

Long Dragon Protocol ($LD) began with an idea; the idea that if you want to go fast, go alone… but if you want to go far, you must go together.

In Web3 we have many Main Characters. We see them develop as protocols rise to levels that are of the unicorn variety and reach prominence amongst the communities inside the crypto space. We see Founders and Teams that give their entire lives to creating something that adds value through utility or simply joy via Meme. These main characters are respected, enjoyed, and necessary for the continued growth of Web3. Every Main Character needs a supporting cast. The purpose of Long Dragon is to be the supporting cast, not the main character. We aim for the common good of Web3 through the many protocols Long Dragon will serve. It’s important that as the Long Dragon Protocol grows that people recognize the advantages of helping others accomplish their goals.

“You can get everything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.” Enter Long Dragon Protocol. Long Dragon Protocol is designed to be the supporting cast to Main Characters that align with our core beliefs of Conscious Expansion of Web3, Team integrity, Protocol Security, Long Term Vision, and Community First.

Long Dragon Protocol will provide assistance to Protocols old, new and yet to come. Long Dragon Protocol does not discriminate based on size, connections, nor chain; if our core beliefs align, we look forward to working with you.

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